Nick and Tanney
two points if you pick me out
Nick (and probably everyone else) didn't get my joke, so I'll tell the shortened version of the story so we can all have a good chuckle.
I need everyone's mailing addresses STAT. Please post them on here or email them to me so I can send you invitations for my grad party...even though most of you won't come, I still want to cordially invite you because I'm a saint like that. OK thanks. Bye.
The Passion and I will be moving to the city on Monday and/or Tuesday. If anyone is available to help us move, I will give you booze and the Passion will probably hug you. He DOES have emotions, you know. So get ready Wicker Park kids, we're gonna be a hop-skip-and a jump away. And I live on the wrong side of the tracks. Literally. Bosworth is a scary street. And I'm pretty sure my landlord is a con man.
I got at TB test today. looks negative, I was kind of nervous about it because a hobo who claimed he had it was standing pretty close to me. How do you even get TB?
Three options for future postings:
So for the longest time I was under the impression that I had genital herpes. Turns out, it was just my hymen! Phew!
I know we haven't posted pictures of cats in awhile, but this is the next best thing. I saw a commercial for these dolls last night and I can only imagine how fast I would have peed myself if I had been stoned. Also, if Kelly doesn't become a mad scientist and create an evil race of Kellys, she'll probably become a Mystikat. Take a look:
Due to the fact that I dedicate three days out of my work week to doing absolutely nothing, I spend a lot of time reading the Onion. This article is too good. Plus, I work right by Gurnee Mills and I've always loved bargain/dropped on the floor food! Lucky me! I love the picture with McNuggets in the milkshake and fries baked into the apple pie.
I mean, we've had it all of 20 hours. Kelly, I changed the template for no reason at all.