Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Sweaters and Brett's 21st

Have you guys got your christmas sweaters yet?

Don't forget Saturday night, we are having a Photo show. It goes from 7-10. We should have wine for the show. It will be classy. Afterwards we're having a party to celebrate Bretts 21st, Ben it can be your B-day party too. We'll have a keg and tons of columbia hotties and a surprise San Diegoian.

Alright, see you there.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sugar we're going down swinging

Well I know I haven't really seen most of you in about 525,600 minutes. You probably think I was busy with finals and studying and scenting all of my finals with perfume, but it's just not true. I've been lying to all of you. For the past few weeks, I've been in a staring contest. With the cat across the street.

And it didn't end well.

Ok, but seriously. Finals sucked. I honestly spent about a week straight in the library. From 9 in the morning until 11 at night (why do they close so early? I miss U of I where the library stays open 24 hours during finals). Staring at my computer that long may have caused permanent dementia. My eyes became so bloodshot that I looked like Stoner McGee or Ben Hofmann. I'm almost done though...all I have left is 1 take home final which I should be working on right about now but instead I've been on hold with the Apple store for about 15 minutes. How long does it take them to discover that my battery only works for an hour?

Being nearly finished with my first semester of law school is surreal. I mean, who would honestly trust me enough to put their lives in my hands? Is it important to tell clients that all I really want to do is watch TV? And more importantly, is it important to tell them that the TV I'd rather be watching is terrible shows, such as Roseanne, the Real World, and Gilmore Girls?

Finals month has also led me to seek such irrational distractions. I bought a lot of bad CD's on iTunes because I just needed a break. Yes, the title of this post is a quote from a Fall Out Boy song, and yes, I bought the entire album. Do you see? I've lost my mind. Is this what people talk about when they say that lawyers have no souls? Ok, this is going to embarrass me even more, but I even sought out the new Lindsay Lohan album on iTunes. Thank fucking god it isn't out yet. Actually I was a little disappointed, to tell you the truth.

I also wanted to express how much I hate this faux fur phase of fashion. I hate real fur, and I think I hate fake fur even more. If this fake stuff gets wet, won't it break off in wierd rat hair chunks and fall in people's food like in that Seinfeld episode? Gross.

I'm at Barnes and Noble and I'm working on my take home final. JP came with me to "get ahead on his studying for next semester of organic chemistry" and instead, he's sitting here with his headphones plugged into his tiny battery-powered portable radio because he wants to listen to Boors and Bernstein because it's the "Quote of the year" show. Just picture that for me. And we should start calling him Radio.

Get ready for the big news: I'm on day 2 of no smoking. I decided to quit after finals...jumping on the band wagon when Kelly and Will do it because it'll be easier to do it now than it will be at any other point in my life. Mostly because I worship Kelly and Will and copy whatever they do. So far so good too. I feel like a million bucks. But here's the bad part: I have 3 packs of Camel lights sitting at home, just waiting to be smoked (damn you Camel girl!). Sweet sweet Camels. (Seriously, I love you Camel girl.)

Oh, and my brother got engaged.

Pee on me, Lesbo.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

connected kind of

I got a new phone yesterday so I am some what reachable, except in places where I don't get service, which include my apartment and most of the east village. But anyway, you can call me.

Quick weekend recap, went to see make belive and the islands (old unicorns) with Jeff, Laurel nick and GP on Friday. I liked make believe, Tim Kinsella looked like JC on stage. The Island/Islands was ok. I really liked the first few songs, then they lost it for me. One of their refrains was "I feel evil creeping in" I think that is where I got bored. Anyway it was really hard being a concert filled with hipster smokers and not smoking. Oh yeah, I quit last week, so this was my first non-smoking weekend. I think it went well, I had a puff off of Lindseys smoke, and felt light headed. So that has kept me fairly uninterested in smoking.

The first three days were terrible. I had an awful headache and I am crabby, and I have way more time on my hands. But I think I'll stick it out. I coughed up some black stuff today which was gross/awesome. Either way I keep telling myself that I am going to buy myself something awesome with all of the money I am saving. That keeps me going, actually it's not that bad. no, wait it is.

Will moved into my closet on Saturday. Now we only speak to Will in the R.Kelly voice.

I got to meet Dozer on Saturday, that was a treat.

Stayed home sick from work on monday and watched and awesome Illini victory.