Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Like sand through an hourglass...

...So is money in my pocket.

I just spent almost $1800 on a damn laptop for law school. That's a hell of a lot of money considering I'll probably drop out in the first month anyway.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Am I an idiot?

Mind your P's and Q's.

What the hell does that mean? Where does it come from? How did it start? Does anyone know anything about this phrase? I thought about it for a long time on the ride home yesterday and I came up empty handed. I think the best guess I had was "Pros' and Quo's" and that doesn't even make sense.

Another topic I covered in my head: CCR
Has anyone ever noticed that they have NO love songs? Not one song they wrote and/or performed was about love. I think that's pretty incredible. If I had to put a percentage on it, I think about 85% of songs are about love or crushes or breaking up. Good old CCR.

I'll post on the weekend later. I'm pretty swamped at work because I'm taking all of next week off. Blah blah blah.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Toast for the boast to the host with the most

Don't really know what that title means, but it's probably in a poem I wrote when I was about 9 years old. I was pretty creative when I was younger...I think I used up my imagination too early. I wrote a few stories about dogs and cats putting aside their differenes and becoming friends. I had a recurring character too, he was a green dinosaur (T-rex to be exact) that liked to surf. He got into some major pickles, I can tell you that much. I also used to write my mom cute little letters and I used to ask her to save her dresses for me so I, too, could look pretty when I grew up. I used to be cute and nice and sweet. Now I spend my time worrying about serious stuff, like school, money, work, etc. Growing up blows the big one. However, when I was in third grade, I collected money to give to a charity, and ended up forgetting about it. I found it during the summer and decided to just keep the $15 I had collected. I was pretty Machiavellian back then too I guess.

...pointless rambling...

Anyway, JP and I will be heading back to G-town tonight. We had thought about staying around for tonight, but JP had a big blow out with the landlord last night, so we're gonna be taking off to escape that wierd ass. JP said he didn't appreciate the holes in the ceiling where he could be looking down at me in the shower, basically accusing him of being a voyuer. Then our landlord asked him if JP wanted him to knock him out. HA! Things are off to a great start.

I have no idea who's coming tomorrow. Kelly, GP, Boomsma, Erich, Hofmann?, Will?, Spender?, etc...................

I am SOOOO damn excited for the road trip to Boston. Who's jealous?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

First of all, let me extend my graduation party invitations to anyone who reads this. Everyone is more than welcome if they're willing to drive down to Germantown Hills this weekend. I'm posting directions on here so everyone can read them and I don't have to worry about missing someone's email address. To the kids coming from Chicago, I'm sending you on a little detour because 55 is down to one lane just past Joliet and it took me over 4 hours to get home on 55 last week. SOOOO alternate directions follow:

Head S on 94
Take 57 S
Take 80 W
Head S on Interstate 39/Highway 51
Get off at exit for Illinois Route 116/117 (It may just be called 116, but the two routes are merged into one for awhile)
Head W on Route 116/117
Follow the signs to head West/South on 116 (You'll need to make a few turns to stay on it) - head towards Metamora
You'll pass through Roanoke and Metamora before getting to Germantown Hills
Turn R at Woodland Knolls Rd. (a stoplight with a National City and a State Farm Building on the corners)
Take an immediate R onto Holland Rd.
Take Holland all the way to the Stop sign, take a R at the stop sign to stay on Holland Rd.
Stay on this road, you'll pass the lake and go up a big hill
The road will come to a T, take another R
Turn L at the first road (Independence Court)
My house is the first house on the L (1327 Independence Court)

Sorry those directions seem so fucking complex. Call me if you have any trouble. You can search for a better route, but that's the best I can do in order to avoid fucking I 55.

And now for directions from Suckpain/Urbad:
Take 74 W for about an hour or so
Get off 74 at the Metamora Exit (route 116) (not sure about the number, but it's after you pass through Morton)
You'll be on this road for about 10 miles
You'll go up a big hill and you'll come to a stop light (Woodland Knolls Rd.)
Take a L at Woodland Knolls Rd. (National City and State Farm on the corners)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Learn the rules of the road

I only have two rules for our road trip to Boston. They are as follows:
1. Being that I am the only girl on this trip (aside from prostitutes that Tommy will undoubtedly pick up), I think it's important to note that the Urbana boys will not be passing me around like they did with...
2. No shitting in a box or plastic bag while we're en route on the interstate. You know who you are.

That's all I have. Any additions or modifications I should make? Please advise. (See, I already talk like an attorney SHUT YOUR MOUTH).

I left my landlord a horrific message stating that I was going to consult with my attorney if he didn't call me back THAT day, and Lo and Behold! He called me back. Now we have screens, an air conditioner, and the electrician will be there to fix our shitty wiring on Monday. You do good work, Steph. Thank you.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Roofers and the 5am ramblings of an ex-girlfriend...

These are the things that annoy me.

I'll admit, I love looking into people's windows when I am walking around by myself. I like looking at their furniture, seeing if they have a plasma tv, or in Gary's neighboorhood, checking if there actually are people that live in those new condos. I don't think that people actually live in them, they are decorated but I have yet to see anybody home. They may be robots like small wonder and sleep in the closet.

As much as I like looking in windows, I know, I'm a creep. I have my limits. The roofers next door don't. I guess Gary and I should have closed the blinds. But how were we supposed to know that the perverted roofers next door would be perched in front of his window watching the two of us trying to get out of bed and giggling at us. I guess this example of the classic KB blinds open is better than the mail-lady/boomsma/yishai incident.

I confronted Sarah about her talking about me. Things went well, she appologized and we are good now. Sarah, I don't know if you read this but you talk, a lot. A LOT. girlfriend.

More on drunken ramblings of an ex-girlfriend later possibly.

Friday, June 17, 2005

SHUT YOUR MOUTH it's time to post

My boss just informed me that I can have the 4th-8th off as paid vacation, so I am totally in for the Danger Rides of the century! I'm looking at tickets to get back to Chicago, and I think my best option right now is to leave from Boston around 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. What do you think Tommy? Will you be able to drive me to the Boston airport? There's no way I'm having you drive me to Providence at 7:00 in the morning. And a ticket from Boston is only like $130. Not bad, not bad at all.

And also...I want to run the idea of me joining the road trip by everyone before I commit to it. I don't want to interrupt any male bonding time or anything...so please let me know if I'm stepping on any toes or anything like that. I don't want to impose (am I imposing? what?) so let me know if it's ok with everyone if I hop on board. Maybe I'll make cookies.

Have fun this weekend everyone. JP went home and I'm going home this evening. Will - call me if you want to stay at our place. My friend put together a 5 year high school reunion (she was the student council president) so I have to go on Saturday. TerribleTerribleTerrible. And really, who puts together a 5 year reunion anyway? Blah.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Blue Moon

Well, roof top beers last night made me realize how much I'm gonna miss Tommy. I still can't believe he's really leaving. I know it's selfish of me to want him to stay. So instead of pleading and begging and crying, I thought I'd put together a little memento of things I will always remember about you Tommy:

The Shakin' Babies (obvious), shooting your van with a potato gun, watching you try to get with a girl wearing wierd galoshes, when you took me to that Wallflowers concert and you sang your heart out during "One headlight," how stoned you were at Will's lake house, the fact that it is YOUR fault that I ever met Dirty Mike, sleeping at the California house and thinking how wierd it was that you and Moe loved sleep overs, when you thought to yourself "I could really like Moe" and then you botched it by making a retard comment, that time you got me pregnant and we told everyone that I was just really bloated from eating some bad egg salad (but really, I gave birth to a full grown JP like that Will Ferrell skit when he comes out of the womb all covered in slimy gel and says "It was really hot in there!"), hating all of your stupid roommates especially the one you called Lezzy, when you wore some random girl's underwear at JP's cabin ALL WEEKEND, when we found a bat in your room and Ruby and I hid under a blanket and fought back tears while Moe tried to catch it with a colander, the way you always sing with one finger pointed up, and drunk driving with you in Western Springs only to side swipe some teenager's car. That's just to name a few...

I'm not trying to get gushy about you leaving but I am sad to see you go. You're one of my favorite people and you've always been a great friend to hang out with. You've never made me feel like a disposable friend and I appreciate that. I always had fun with ya, little buddy. And I hope I get to hang out with you Sunday night and hopefully some other time before you go for good.

However...I am in the process of getting three days of paid vacation (which is a step up from none), in which I would be able to come on the road trip to Boston (if I'm still invited/there's room). So I need to figure out what airline/flight everyone is coming back on. So let me know. Otherwise, I bid you adeiu (sp?) dear friend...good luck and I'm gonna miss you. "I'll give ya to the count of ten to get yur ugly, yella, no good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead. One, two, ten!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Tomorrow night

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists + Logan Square Auditorium = Concert tomorrow
Let's go!!

Eclectic thoughts

This post will probably have no real purpose because I don't intend on writing in any sort of comphrehendible fashion. It will most likely be random thoughts that aren't connected in any way to one another. But, Kelly finally let me post again, so I have a lot to say after going through a few days of withdrawal. (It took some persuading, a lot of begging, and I had to allow her to dress me up in Alan's costumes a few times. I looked best in the leotard.)

I am pretty excited about the new Batman. Some of us should go tomorrow night. Every review I've seen/read has said it's the best one yet. I feel like they're overlooking the first one. That was a really really good movie. Still, I can't wait to see Batman Begins. Does anyone else think that Christian Bale sort of resembles Munchoff?

I can't believe that Michael Jackson was found not guilty on all counts. I wanted that dirty son of a bitch to go to jail. I was watching the news this morning and they interviewed some of the jurors and they're all hick morons. One old lady said that the turning point of the trial for her was when the accuser's mother pointed her finger at the jury. She said "I was like 'Oh no, don't you point your finger at me.'" Way to stay impartial lady and keep justice in the court room. I have a feeling we'll be reliving this trial someday though.

I've been eating a lot of bran lately. That's been working out pretty well.

This weekend was the best. I hate being back in my real life. Sorry we didn't find your wallet Boomsma. Have you checked Jenn's car? I guess we didn't check the bottom of the pond, and that's a likely location for it to be. Sorry bout that.

JP started his review course at Northwestern. He starts classes next week. He's smart.

Oh, and Tommy...sorry about pouring beer on your feet for the majority of Saturday night. I'm an asshole. But it was still pretty funny.

Friday, June 10, 2005

There's a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence

National Treasure is adult Goonies and it is the best crap that I have seen for a while. Gary giggles (yes giggle) at Nicolas Cage's voice, hilarious. The thunderstorm attic "chunk, hold this"/ "grandpa are we knights?" scene is hilarious. Great crap. I love it.

We went to skytinis last night. After skytinis the smallest bill we had left was a 20. Gary refused to put $20 on his CTA card so we had to ask people for change like hobos.

Steph I changed the blog password. good luck posting your stupid Cubs posts. I'll change it back if you will promise to only talk about the Sox (wait do I care) or no baseball at all.

Everyone is going up to my cabin tonight for Tommy's going away party. I'll post pictures. (this is directed at Ruby because she is the only one who reads our blog that won't be there)

Kelly looooves those Cubbies

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Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I also think Michael Barrett is kinda dreamy.  oooooo dreamy.  But mostly, this post was just to be an ass.  Meanwhile, my boss is at the Cubs/Red Sox game today and I'm jealous. 

Today, I was thinking about Tracy Morgan.  Remember Brian Fellows?  Oh man.  Too good.  "Hang up that phone!"  "That bird's trying to ruin my credit!"  "I would make a coat out of him."  Let's all reminisce.

Tommy, when are you picking me up?  Oh wait, maybe I first should ask: Can I ride with you? 

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Regression/Progression...you decide

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I have a crush on Sergio Mitre.  What a difference a trash-stache can have on a person.  First picture...umm gross but you're probably my neighbor.  The next two pics...HOTT. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

For the love of the Sith

JP and I went to see the new Star Wars last night (finally) and it was pretty good. I was entertained. However, I realized that I have a crush on Hayden Christensen, which is not something I'm proud of. I don't know what's come over me. Despite that he's a terrible actor and somewhat comical in this movie (how funny was he after his whole body was burnt?), I couldn't help it. I don't know what it is. His power maybe? But Jesus, can you imagine doing it with a Jedi?? I mean, if he can impregnate Padme with twins when there is clearly no passion between them, imagine what he could do to me considering his undying love for me. Forget burning my nipples with hot wax, get out that light saber and burn my ass with it, Lord Vader. Too far?

Ok Ok, I really don't like him that much...just a slight crush. I didn't even like him in Episode II. Have I turned to the dark side? (To evil!) He's so terrible in every other movie I've seen with him in it. I mean, Life as House? Come on. Well, I guess he was pretty cute in that movie when he's a reporter that makes up all of his stories. But I don't think that one counts because I really doubt anyone else has seen that movie except me. Plus I don't remember the name. Anyone? Anyone?

Friday, June 03, 2005

The city life

Well, the Passion and I are officially part of the Wicker Park clan. We Rainbo'ed it up last night which was a good time and it was (as the kids are saying) uber-dec to not have to drive home to Wheeling. I do miss living by Palwaukee though...I might go back and visit sometime soon. Oh who's kidding who?

So our move was straight out of a movie where everything goes wrong. Our landlord is a grade A fuckface...he kept pushing back our move in time until it was almost 10:00 p.m. when we finally started moving our shit in. We still don't have any hot water and I want to DIE every morning because my scalp, surprisingly, burns from the ice cold shower. We don't have our cable/internet hooked up yet because fuckface said he wasn't ready to have Comcast come to install everything. Great...I'll push that back a few days for you, even though you told me the apartment would be ready June 1. Here it is June 3...no hot water, 50% of our outlets don't work, no cable/internet, can't use the stove because the gas isn't hooked up, mail keys aren't copied for us yet, oh, and did I mention that fuckface upped our rent $25 a month and played it off like I was crazy when I wrote a check to him for what I thought was the agreed amount. Overall, I'm just waiting to stage a cou de Mitch.

Is everyone still set for Lake Geneva next weekend?