Missed me, have you?
Going through Steph-withdrawal is a terrible, yet inevitable, thing. It's clear you miss my witty banter, elaborate stories, and overall positive impact on your lives. Who wouldn't? Shit, I should be the next pope after that new geezer kicks it. But don't cry (Tommy), I may be busy, but I will always have time for my blog friends. Even though none of your are my real friends (mostly because I have no real friends, except that JP kid who hangs around my apartment). God! Enough! Carry on!
I'm going crazy! Who gives a shit about Torts anyway? Here's my take on torts: it is a bullshit way for idiots to blame someone else for their complete lack of common sense. These are the morons who try to drive over the tracks and (hark!) are hit by a train. They try to compensate for their own stupidity and dumb moves by blaming someone else who was unlucky enough to share common ground with them.
So I got towed yesterday. In a nutshell, JP and I were on North Ave. and had already PAID to park at a parking deck while we were at Borders. There's $7.75. After leaving Borders, we passed the Gap and we decided "Hell, let's stop in, try on a pair of jeans, and get a free iTune." So I pull into this parking lot directly across the street from the Gap, pull into a space and look along the entire wall in front of me. All of the signs say "30 Minute Parking." So we think we're in the clear. Go in, free iTune, come back out about 20 mins later. "JP...where's your car?" I go into Starbucks and, livid with them, I say in my snottiest voice: "Did you tow my car?" and they proceed to tell me that they don't do that, the parking lot is owned by someone else blah blah blah. So I ask this kid if he saw a car get towed and he says he's seen about 10 cars get towed in the last half hour. What? I wasn't here for more than 30 minutes. A mystery...this called for my detective work.
So I put on my Sherlock Holmes hat and, along with 2 other couples who had the exact same situation as me and JP, figure out that we need to walk down to the towing place and get our cars. They had a sign on the complete OTHER side of the parking lot that said if you leave the premises, they will tow your car. So they have fuckers waiting there and watching to see where you go. So one side of the parking lot is labeled as "30 minute parking" while the other says to not leave the property. Ok, but let's keep in mind that this parking lot is not affiliated with any of the stores by it. So why can I go into Starbucks and you won't tow my car but I can't go across the street to the Gap? Neither of the stores own the parking lot but I can go to one and not the other. Clearly, they purposely mislead people into thinking it's 30 minute parking. So we walk about a mile and a half to the corner of Division and Halsted to get JP's car. Does this ring a bell to anyone?! We had to walk through CABRINI FUCKING GREEN to get the car, the car that we parked and were scammed into paying $150.00 to get back.
So I'm getting into it with the lady behind the counter who is charging me 150 bones to get my car that was parked for less than 20 mins. Then I tell her "Well, see, I am a lawyer..." you know, total Star Jones/Tracy Morgan style. Anyway...didn't work. So I'm currently trying to figure out what my next move will be because this was clearly a planned out scam.
Moral of the story: I paid $157.75 for a song on iTunes. Oh, and then, when I got home, I scratched off the lottery-ticket-like stuff that covers the code for my free iTune, and ended up scratching off the top layer so I can't even read the code. So no iTune for me at all. What a fucking day. God damn fucking Jews.
I'm going to buy a guitar and start taking guitar lessons again. I took a guitar class in high school but really only remember about 4 chords, so I definitely need to refresh my memory here. There's something about playing music that is supposed to aid you in education, right? Something about how kids in the music program perform better on standardized tests? Well, it probably won't help me unless I play clarinet like I did in the 5th grade. Ya, that's right, I played the clarinet. My music career started with that wierd duck-sounding woodwind. Cool? You betcha.
On another note...secrets ruin families guys. So let's not keep any (hilarious) secrets from eachother in the friend group, ok? They all come out anyway. No sense trying to hide them, let's all share the humor together and have a good laugh. I heard a good one yesterday and believe me, I laughed and laughed.
I wonder how much spam I'll get in my comments section. I read Schneider's post and saw that he had 12 comments...I think 10 of them were hilarious spammers. "Nice blog. Good work! I have an excellent bench press routine, check it out at this site!"
I have literally gone crazy (ok ok, I didn't literally shit my pants, but I literally wet the bed). Today on the train to work, there was some huge black guy just staring at me. So I ignored him and prayed that he wasn't Candyman for the majority of the trip. Then Andrew WK's "NYC" came on, and I felt a surge of confidence, so the next time I looked up and he was still blatantly staring, I asked him "Can I help you with something sir?" And he just looked away. Then, as if that wasn't too bold, I decided to one-up him with "That's right, stop staring at me." What? Steph, you're a fargin' idiot! Shut your mouth while you're still ahead/alive. He didn't say anything but my sass was definitely unnecessary and I have found that Andrew WK makes my muscles bulge and my body get oily and my clothes change to And1 shorts and a muscle shirt with the sleeves cut off. I am a monster.
Trivial pursuit tonight: Babies v. Oldie Hawns.
This was a long post. I wonder if anyone read all of it. Probably not. I wouldn't either.