Friday, October 28, 2005

What is going on tonight?

Post some comments and let me know what you guys are up to.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Old Yif KB Chicago screwjob

My car got broken into last night. They broke my window so Gary taped a bag over it, it makes my car look awesome.

The crackhead who broke into my car only stole my cds, nothing else. They fucked up the radio and heat dials and it looks like the smashed their crowbar into the dash just to let me know who's boss.

So will you guys, my friends, please burn me any cd that you think I would like, and send it to me. Or just slip it trough my trash bag window.

i love you


Friday, October 21, 2005

Erich's Done

Since Erich is done with rado everyone should come over for the mandatory drinking session at my place. Come over at 9 or 10. Bring Sparks or beer. I'll be home so heck, come over whenever you feel like starting to drink.

Oh, Boomer and Spencer are coming up too.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dan knows best

I think I am in love. Double doozy combo platter (gross) mentions of DS. I'm not just obsessed with Dan, there is a reason why I am talkng about him for the second post in a row; he had a point last night. I am doing a terrible job of advertising my Halloween party.

We want to have a party at the loft on Saturday the 29th. The PartV is supposed to play and Kill Hannah maybe (its a dual party, they stink, our downstairs neighboors are getting them). ANYWAY my poor advertisement has lead to two conflicts, one for the oldies and one for the babies.

The oldies conflict it Emmit's bacholer party, same night, in the suburbs.

Our conflict is Roy's house warming, same night, in Detroit.

Should I just count all of us out of the party? Is there any chance that we would actually go to Detriot?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Lets go White Sox

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Emmitt, Dan and Jeff are the best kids ever to watch the Sox games with.

Give me this one picture Steph.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I am Jack McCoy

Tomorrow is my first assignment. I am going to court for Erich. Ok, not as an attorney, I'm appearing on his behalf at the Daley Center because he got a ticket. I'm gonna do my best to use legal jargon so maybe the judge will be impressed and drop the charges all together. Plus, I plan on going in a business suit with a brief case (that will most likely be filled with crackers). Wish me luck on my first case! I don't really have anything invested in this though...because worst case scenario, Erich's insurance rates go up. And I don't really care about that. Ok ok, I do. I love ya Costanza!

This last weekend was fun. We lived it up Chicago at the Hancock, all you can eat Sushi, shopping downtown/pissing off Spencer. The only bad part is that we're all out of money so when Tommy comes into town we'll be drinking our pee in place of alcohol because we'll be too poor to get drunk. Not that Tommy won't think that's a good time. In fact, he probably misses it.

I should probably apologize for using any racial slurs or stepping on any toes this weekend. When I'm drunk, whatever little class I actually have goes out the window. We played asshole, and as president, my rule was that every time you throw a card, you had to insult the person to your left. That happened to be Gary. So GP, I'm sorry for enjoying myself so much as I threw insults at you. I didn't mean them, really. Well, except the vagina one. No, I'm kidding...I love you, let's get married.

GP, KB, Boomer, JP, and I went and climbed a rusty bridge over railroad tracks Saturday night/early Sunday morning. After we did that, Boomer came home with JP and me to sleep. We thought about cuddling together in the bed, but instead we made Boomer sleep on the couch. Here's the funny part: we got him all settled (pillows, blankets, food, etc.) and then we went to bed. As soon as we hit the hay, that fucking wierdo disappeared into the night, leaving our doors unlocked so that any old stranger could walk up and kill us, and drove home to Champaign. He's such a phenomenon. He's inching in on James for being the creepy and mysterious magician of the group.

Also, the other day, I was watching the Today show, and Katie Couric got a mammogram. They showed her x-ray boobs and it was hilarious (hilariously wierd). Couldn't take my eyes off of them.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What if?

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A progress report

This is one of my midterm review questions:

You are a trial judge in the newly admitted 51st state. Other states’ precedent may have persuasive force, but it is not binding. The plaintiff puts forward the following evidence at trial:

Defendant gas station owner sold gasoline to T, who was obviously intoxicated, after the defendant warned T that he was obviously intoxicated and should not be driving. T drove off after paying for the gas, soon colliding with plaintiff’s car and severely injuring her.

Defendant moves for a directed verdict at the close of the plaintiff’s evidence, arguing that it owed no duty of care to plaintiff, and that if the defendant did owe a duty, the defendant was, as a matter of law, not negligent. Decide the motion and write an opinion supporting your decision on both of defendant’s contentions and answering likely counterarguments. Even if your decision on one issue would ordinarily mean you would not have to consider another issue, decide the other issue.

My answer is this: Drunk drivers are cool! Award this man 80 million dollars! Now give me my law degree.