Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What? no rsvps?

Classic. Anyway I can't keep track of who is coming so I would like to have a guest list here so others can view and decide if they want to come or not.

Also, gumbo is very expensive and Gary and I are not fat cats, so we need some help in the food and boose department.

I think if everyone brings a 30, we should be good. Ruby is taking care of breakfast Saturday morning. But beyond that, here are a list of items that we need, sign up for something in my comments. thanks.

burgers/buns (2people)
dogs/buns (2people)
4 things of OJ
ice 4 bags-friday night
ice 4 bags-saturday night

chips (couple bags)-Will
salsa (multiple jars)-Will
Green Bean Cassorole- Steph

Also- side dishes for the gumbo would be much appreciated! If you plan to bring one sign up so there are no duplicates.

Friday, July 06, 2007

What? You didn't know?

It's my birthday month, bitches! Get ready. The tentative plan is to bring that gaylord Tommy in from the east coast for a show with the Part V. So far, nothing is set in stone, but if any of you want to keep your balls, I suggest you get things moving. Ok, I'm kidding about the balls thing. I know none of you had balls to begin with.

Any of you guys looking for a new place to stay?