What? no rsvps?
Classic. Anyway I can't keep track of who is coming so I would like to have a guest list here so others can view and decide if they want to come or not.
Also, gumbo is very expensive and Gary and I are not fat cats, so we need some help in the food and boose department.
I think if everyone brings a 30, we should be good. Ruby is taking care of breakfast Saturday morning. But beyond that, here are a list of items that we need, sign up for something in my comments. thanks.
burgers/buns (2people)
dogs/buns (2people)
4 things of OJ
ice 4 bags-friday night
ice 4 bags-saturday night
chips (couple bags)-Will
salsa (multiple jars)-Will
Green Bean Cassorole- Steph
Also- side dishes for the gumbo would be much appreciated! If you plan to bring one sign up so there are no duplicates.